VBA Routine to return Column Letter of Cell

The standard Excel “Column” Function returns the number rather than the letter of the column e.g:

Column(E4) – returns the number 5 rather than the letter E
Column(AD12) returns the number 30 rather than AD.

The following function returns the letter rather than the number of the column. So in the above two examples we have the letters E and AD respectively . The routine will return blank if more than a single cell is referenced:

Function Alpha_Column(Cell_Add As Range) As String
Dim No_of_Rows As Integer
Dim No_of_Cols As Integer
Dim Num_Column As Integer
No_of_Rows = Cell_Add.Rows.Count
No_of_Cols = Cell_Add.Columns.Count
If ((No_of_Rows <> 1) Or (No_of_Cols <> 1)) Then
    Alpha_Column = ""
    Exit Function
End If
 Num_Column = Cell_Add.Column
If Num_Column < 26 Then
    Alpha_Column = Chr(64 + Num_Column)

    Alpha_Column = Chr(Int(Num_Column / 26) + 64) & Chr((Num_Column Mod 26) + 64)
End If
End Function