Log-Log Plot in Excel & Google Sheets

Log-Log Plot in Excel

We’ll start with data that shows values for the X and Y Axis.

Starting Graph for Log Log Graph in Excel

Creating a Scatterplot

  1. Highlight the data
  2. Select Insert
  3. Click Scatter
  4. Select the first Scatterplot

Create Scatterplot for Log Log Graph in Excel


Change X Axis to Logarithmic

  1. Right click on the X Axis
  2. Select Format Axis

Format X Axis for Log Log Plot in Excel


3. Check the Logarithmic Scale

Switch X Axis to Logarithmic Scale in Excel


Change Y Axis to Logarithmic

  1. Right click Y Axis
  2. Select Format Axis

Format Y Axis to Logarithmic Scale in Excel


3. Click on Logarithmic Scale

Change Y Axis to Logarithmic Scale in Excel


Log-Log Plot in Google Sheets

  1. Select Data
  2. Click on Chart

Create Graph for Log Log Graph in Google Sheets


3. Change the Chart Type to Scatter Chart

Change Chart Type to Logarithmic Scale in Google Sheets


Change X Axis to Logarithmic

  1. Select Customize
  2. Click Horizontal Axis
  3. Check Log Scale

Change X Horizontal Axis to Logarithmic Scale in Google Sheets


Change X Axis to Logarithmic

  1. Select Customize
  2. Click Vertical Axis
  3. Check Log Scale

Keep in mind you can adjust the Scale Factor for the X and Y Axis

Change Vertical Y Axis to Logarithmic Scale in Google Sheets

Final Log-Log Plot in Google Sheets

Final Log Log Plot in Google Sheets